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The LaRocque Faculty Fund

"Faculty at Avon Old Farms are the heart and soul of our success."

- Ken LaRocque P '01, '10


Honoring Avon’s Faculty 

Our dedicated teachers and staff are at the heart of the Avon Old Farms experience. Thank you for supporting our goal to hire and retain extraordinary educators, to enhance their professional development opportunities, and to provide comprehensive and unique benefits for Avon's faculty families. Our faculty's selfless commitment to our students is inspiring and distinguishes Avon from other schools. The faculty at Avon Old Farms are the difference-makers: supporting them is critical to our future. 


Proceeds from the LaRocque Faculty Fund support faculty benefits, professional development, and will continue to inspire our exceptional educators.

LaRocque Faculty Fund Giving

We are grateful for your generosity!

Mr. William B. Aaron ’19

Mr. Moses Acee ’19

Mr. Kody A. Adams ’19

Mr. Gordon W. Allen ’19

Mr. William P. Allen ’19

Dr. Dina Allison P’21

Mr. Seulchan An ’19

Mr. and Mrs. John K. Anderson P’20

Mr. Cameron C. Andrews ’19

Mr. Alexander P. Apostolos ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Luke R. Archambault '04

Mr. Alexandros S. Aslanidis ’19

Mr. Robert W. Aughtry ’19

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Austin '92

Mrs. Melanie H. Awe P’14, ’17

Mr. Reza Badiee ’19

Mrs. Bernadette Banks GP’19

Mr. Jalen M. Banks ’19

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey R. Barlow '98

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Barker '66

Mr. & Mrs.Drew C. Bartkiewicz P’16, ’18

Ms. Kathleen Barzun and Mr. Brian E. Tamms

Mr. Michael A. Bazzano '19

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Beath '77, P'06, '07, '09

Mr. & Mrs.Brian Beloin

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett R. Benton P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Nore Berggren P'22

Mr. Lance C. Berry '14

Mr. Bhakapol Bhakdibhumi ’19

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Biggart P'02, '06, '08, '14

Mr. and Mrs. Rodman R. Black, Jr. P’99

Mr. Ian H. Blatchford ’19

Mr. Chris Bolster and Mrs. Kimberly Finn-Bolster

Major and Mrs. John M. Bourgault, USMC (Ret.) '80, P'09

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bouvier P’09, ’16

Mr. Jonathan T. Brand '83

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Breneiser P’11

Mr. Michael P. Brennan '95

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brennan, Jr. P’17

Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Brennan

Mr. Alexander S. Brezenoff ’19

Mr. Joshua L. Bruff '01

Ms. Jenniffer D. Buanno P’08, ’10, ’12, ’17

Dr. and Mrs. David B. Burstein P’20

Mr. Christopher J. Calcinari, Jr. ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Graham R. Callaghan '95

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Callaghan '83, P'21

Mr. and Mrs. Gilman A. Callsen '04

Mr. Semaj Campbell

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas A. Campbell P’08, ’12

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campbell GP’19, ’20

Mr. & Mrs.Roger D. Cantello P’17

Mr. Scott J. Capozzoli ’19

Mr. Stuart M. Carlisle ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Carlisle P’19

Mr. David Carroll & Dr. Barbara Bartlik P’05

Dr. Gianfranco Catrini and Mrs. Cinzia Pittera P'20

Mr. Michael S. Cercone '75

Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Chamberlain P'20

Mr. Peter C. Chandor ’19

Mrs. Ellen M. Charles P’79, ’83, GP’10

Mr. Erik Chase

Mr. and Mrs. Hwi-Yoon Cheong '05

Mr. Si Yeon Cho ’19

Mrs. Barbara Christofer P'89, '91, GP'22

Mr. Adam K. Cline '93

Mr. Luke K. Cline '95

Mr. & Mrs. Erich L. Cluxton '61

Mr. Samuel J. Cole '04

Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Coleman '03

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Coniff P’1

Mr. and Mrs. Martin I. Cole H'16, P'049

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan T. Conry, Sr. P’13

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Conroy '85, P'22

Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Coons ’71, P’07

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cox III P'20

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Crocker P’11

Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Cugell

Mr. Conor R. Cummings '09

Mrs. Mary Jean Cummiskey P’10

Mr. Thomas K. Curtis '63 and  Ms. Lynn Armstrong

Mr. Xufeng Dai ’19

Mr. and  Mrs. Matthew Dallahan P'20, '22

Mr. John M. Daly '11

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. D'Amario P’87

Mr. Matthew S. D'Annolfo '04

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Davey

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Davis P’04

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Davis III P’16

Mr. and Mrs. Alberto de la Cruz P'18

Mr. Alvaro C. de la Cruz '18

Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Deckers P’87, ’90, GP’18, ’20

Mr. Ben Dellacono ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Delnicki P’81, ’87

Mr. Kolin A. Demens '19

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Detora P’12

Mr. Charles J. Di Bona III ’19

Mr. David J. Dietrick '12

Mr. Michael P. Dietrick '15

Ms. Katherine E. Dietze & Mr. William H. Heyman

Mr. & Mrs.Chase F. Donaldson '68

Mr. and Mrs. Sean E. Donlan Esq. P’20

Dr. and  Mrs. Christopher Donohue P'20

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dowling, Jr. '91, P'21

Mr. & Mrs.Patrick W. Dowling '00

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dowling P'91, '00, GP'21

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Doyle P’12, ’14

Dr. Christopher Doyle and Dr. Beverly Carolan

Mr. Griffin Doyle

Mr. Christopher S. Drew '85 and Mrs. Katie Martin  P'17, '18

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Droppo Jr. P'22

Mr. Qinyang Du ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Robert M. Dully

Mr. Brendan D. Dyer ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dyer ’19

Mr. & Mrs. William Eklund Jr. P'22

Mr. James R. Eichas '07

Mr. Brad Ellis ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis P’18, ’19

Mr. John W. Eschert ’19

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Eschert '83, P'19

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Estevez P'22

Mr. David P. Evans '74 and Ms. Mary King

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Evans H’18, H’18, P’98

Mr. Jacob A. Feinstein '19

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferlise P’19

Mr. Giancarlo M. Ferlise ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Michael J. Finnegan '04

Mr. Derek L. Fisher '90

Mr. Macklin K. Fitzpatrick ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Flaks P'22

Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Flanagan H’18, GP’16, ’20

Mr. Sean E. Flanagan ’19

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Freiberg '83

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Gabrielian P'22

Mr. & Mrs.Richard F. Garber, Jr. P’99, ’03

Mr. Barton N. Gardella ’19

Mr. & Mrs.John Gardner

Dr. Glenn S. Gart and Dr. Julie A. Vernon-Gart P’20

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Gateman '99

Mr. Deming Geng ’19

Mr. William C. Gersky ’19

Mr. Cole T. Gibson '15

Mr. Jack P. Ginter '22

Mr. James Glaspey and Ms. Katherine Lucas P’21

Mr. Bradley H. Glennon '11

Mr. Maxwell G. Godbout ’19

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Gordon '84

Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Graham '84

Mr. Mathew Granger '74, P'05

Mr. and Mrs. Willard B. Green, III '83, P'15

Mr. Jacob T. Gresh '16

Mr. Gabriel J. Gross ’19

Mr. Richard Gross P’19

Mr. and Mrs. David Haden P’21

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Haile

Mr. Jelani N. Hamer ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Harrington

Mr. Dwight C. Harris, Jr. '04

Mr. & Mrs.Daniel M. Harrop '88

Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Hart P’20

Mr. and Mrs. William Hartman P’21

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon F. Hartnett '95

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Henrich P’21

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Herlihy P'22

Mr. & Mrs.Michael J. Hoak '95

Mrs. Lisa Hodgson

Mr. Matthew Holleran P’20

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Homeier '52

Mr. John S. Hough ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Chia H. Hua '93

Mr. Christian W. Hubbard ’19

Mr. George Hunkele

Mr. Jared M. Hunter ’19

Mr. Russell Hunter '42

Mr. & Mrs.Jay Hutchinson P’06

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hynson, Jr. '63

Mr. Gaetano Indomenico ’19

Mr. Cameron D. Inwood ’19

Mr. Jayden P. k. Jagtiani ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Samir Jain P’21

Mr. & Mrs.Benjamin K. James '98

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jensen P’17, ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Johnson P’12

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Johnson P'22

Mr. Roger Kaplan and Ms. Melissa KlippP’19

Mr. & Mrs.James W. Kassel P’06, ’08

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kassel GP’06, ’08

Mr. Garrett J. Katchis '19

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Katchis P'19

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie H Kaylor P'22

Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Keating P'19

Mr. Henry B. Kells '82

Mr. Do Han Kim ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Graham T. Klehr-Keyes '04

Mr. Ross A. Klipp Kaplan ’19

Mr. Nam Koh & Mrs. Romi G. Haan P’17

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Knapp P’95

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kolodziejczyk P'22

Mrs. Verne-Marie Kozak GP’14

Mr. & Mrs. William G. Kron H '07, P'89

Mr. & Mrs. Marek J. Krowka '03

Mr. Samuel Krupnikoff ’19

Mr. Jun Kwon '19

Mr. & Mrs.Shawn G. LaBonte '95

Mr. & Mrs.Clifford A. Lanier '87

Mr. Benjamin B. LaRocque '10

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. LaRocque P'01, '10

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Larson

Mr. Erik Larson '19

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Latrenta P’19

Mr. Lucas S. Latrenta ’19

Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Z. Lazor P’18, ’20

Dr. Linda Latrenta and Mr. Kurt Bloedel P’19

Mr. William Lea & Mrs.Mara Suttmann-Lea

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Leesfield GP'19

Mr. Michael A. Leesfield ’19

Mr. Leo M. Lehto '14

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leis

Mr. Harrison J. Leonard ’19

Mr. Benjamin A. Levin ’19

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Levin P’19, ’20

Mr. Jesse Jinyuan Li and Mrs. Hattie Jianying Zhao P'22

Dr. Benn L. Lieberman ’92 & Dr. Michelle Lieberman

Mr. Kai Lin ’19

Mr. Peiqi Liu ’19

Dr. and Mrs. James L. Livermore '90

Mr. Feng Lu ’19

Mr. Matthew G. Lucente '19

Mr. William Maag and  Mrs. Anju Arora P'20

Mr. & Mrs. Alaster MacDonald GP’19

Dr. & Mrs. Scott B. MacDonald '74, P'11

Mr. and Mrs. Duncan R. MacKay P'20

Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Magee

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Maher '82

Mr. & Mrs.James M. Malone '01

Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Malchoff '07

Mr. Jon Manafort ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Frank Marco GP’16

Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh III P'22

Mr. Paul R. Matalon '70, P’01

Mr. and Mrs. James Mathews

Mr. Joseph L. Mathias, V ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Edward J. Mazur, III '04

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. McAndrew '95

Mr. W. Richard McCarthy, Jr. '85

Mr. and Mrs. John J. McElroy P’17

Mr. & Mrs.David McElheny

Mr. Arthur C. Mehos

Mr. & Mrs.Seth F. Mendell '52

Dr. Ezekiel M. Menendez & Mrs.Mercedes Featherston P'20, '22

Mr. Steven L. Merrill '60

Mr. Maxwell A. Miller ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Kristian M. Mineau P’18, ’20

Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Molloy '74

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Monin P’20, ’23

Dr. Geoffrey B. Monsour '74 & Ms. Audrey Swank

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Moore, Jr. P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Moore P’01

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morr P'19, '22

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Morris '84, P'20

Mr. John A. Morris ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Paul M. Morris P’11

Mr. Nolan J. Morr ’19

Mr. Christopher R. Morrissey '81

Ms. Jennifer Moyer and Mr. Michael Doumaux

Dr. and Mrs. John Mullen P'22

Mr. Vincent T. Mullins '04

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy

Mr. Ryan Murphy ’19

Mr. and Mrs. William Murray Jr. P’19

Mr. William B. Murray III ’19

Mrs. Julia A. Nagy GP’18

Mr. and Mrs. Ian M. Neviaser Sr. P'19

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Nunez P’21

Mr. Jared K. O'Hare ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O'Hare P’19

Mr. & Mrs.James O'Leary

Mr. Ryan L. Olsen '04

Mr. Daichi Ono ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Robert Orenstein

Mr. Steven N. Palmer P’02

Mr. and Mrs. John Papadopoulos P’10, ’12, ’15

Mr. Cole L. Pendexter ’19

Mr. & Mrs.James Perry II P’21

Mr. Justin T. Phillips ’19

Reverend John K. Pinckney '70

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Pinkham '66

Mrs. Cristina Pinton and Mr. Klajd Drogu

Mr. Grayson L. Pollock '12

Mr. & Mrs. Justin R. Pool '04

Mr. Chase M. Pratt '19

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Proffitt

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Puglielli P’21

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy J. Radtke P’21

Mr. David Ramonfaur Gracia ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ramsay P'21

Mr. & Mrs.David A. Raposo P'22

Mr. and Mrs. William Reboul P’21

Dr. Tad T. M. Renvyle ’87 & Dr. Rachel Jordan 

Mr. Connor K. Reynolds ’19

Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds Jr. P’19

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Rice '76, P'15

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Rickard '59

Mr. and Mrs. Darren B. Riggle P'17, '20

Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Righi P’05

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Roller

Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Rozinsky '62, P'91, '94

Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Rozinsky '91

Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Rickard '59

Mr. Michael S. Rozinsky '94

Mr. and Mrs. David Rubenstein P’85, GP’21

Mr. Sam L. Rubenstein '85

Mr. Blake L. Ruttenberg '89 & Dr. Aimee Kimball

Mr. and  Mrs. Michael Ryan P'20, '22

Mr. Jon R. Salony '64 & Mrs. Mary E. Galea

Mr. Ciaran G. Sandy '19

Mr. & Mrs.Jack Sanford

Mr. Evan Sayles

Ms. Leanne Schaaf P’19

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Schloat

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Seiden '00

Mr. Paul A. Severni ’07

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Shaw P’18

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shea P’21

Mr. Pengyu Si ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Sieber P’17

Mr. Robert A. Signorino III ’19

Mr. & Mrs.Huger G. Sinkler II '90

Mr. Hayden C. Smith '10

Mr. Jamel Smith ’19

Mr. Mark M. Smith ’19

Mr. Marshall F. Smith ’19

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Spearman, IV P’14, ’15, ’18

Mr. & Mrs.Douglas R. Stay P'96, '97

Mr. Timothy B. Stay ’97

Mr. & Mrs.John P. Steber

Mr. & Mrs.Trevor Stern

Mrs. Kelly Stewart P'21

Mr. Connor Stolworthy ’19

Mr. Taylor Stolworthy ’19

Mr. Joseph A. Sullo Jr. ’19

Mr. Jaren C. Suttles '19

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Sweetland

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Symes '81, P'16

Mr. Beaudan C. Szuluk ’19

Mr. Marshall Taylor ’19

Mr. Darell Tibbles and Ms. Kathryn Gonnerman

Mr. and Mrs. Fabrice Toscano P’20

Mr. Gavin C. Touponse '14

Mrs. Susan Touponse P’14, ’14

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Townsend

Mr. Phat T. Tran ’19

Mr. Scott Tumperi

Ms. Adriana Vega Mackler

Mr. Joel M. Vega ’19

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Vega Jr. P’21

Mr. Xavier M. Vega '17

Mr. Callaway Votta ’19

Mr. & Mrs.James Votta P’19

Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Wallace

Dr. Hualin Wang & Mrs. Zhuoqun Qian P’18

Mr. & Mrs. Damian Wasserbauer P’09, ’12

Dr. Timothy I. Watt & Ms. Amity Gaige

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Webb

Mr. Trevor O. Wehner ’19

Mr. Philip S. Wellman ’82 and  Ms. Leslie Smith

Mr. Antonius Wells '19

Mrs. Yelena Wells &  Mr. John Dillon P'19

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Whitty '87, P'16

Mr. Raymond J. Wiacek '11

Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Wilhelm P’92

Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Williams Jr. P'20

Mr. & Mrs.Glenn Wilcox

Mr. Khalil Winder '19

Mr. Steven Wirpel and  Ms. Linda Moses P'22

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Witkowski P'10, '16, '19

Mr. David Witkowski '19

Mr. Miles S. Wotorson ’19

Mr. Cullen M. Young ’19

Mr. and Mrs. John Zadrozny P’21

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zarb P’19

Mr. Matthew E. Zarb ’19

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Zeytoonjian P’20

Mr. Mingyu Zhang ’19



As Avon Old Farms School headed into 2019, several things were on our collective mind. Among them, bidding farewell to a beloved headmaster and honoring his unmatched dedication to our community.

 No one has embodied Avon’s mission to cultivate young men of integrity who honor wisdom, justice, inclusion, service, and the pursuit of truth better than Headmaster Kenneth H. LaRocque. But, when asked who he thinks is the real heart and soul of our school, he without hesitation will say, ‘The faculty.’


“I have been here for 38 years, and so many things have changed during that time—the campus has improved dramatically, the composition of our student body has become more diverse,” he began. “But, the one thing that has been an absolute constant throughout my tenure is the important role that our faculty plays in the lives of our students and our success as a school.”

“Ken LaRocque was a pleasure to work with as he inspired all of us with his work ethic. Whenever I thought I was too tired or overworked to do something, all I had to do was look at the example that Ken was setting and it did not seem too hard anymore. In short, he always led by example and because of this leadership, many faculty members always gave their best effort to do what was right for the students. This was certainly one of the reasons that Avon Old Farms prospered during Ken's time as headmaster.”

John Gardner

1975 - present

“Ken is selective about his faculty and then he trusts them. He gives us the freedom to teach and mentor but with a guiding hand toward nurturing what is best for boys. He is committed to his faculty because he knows that the best educators, who have that special ability to really connect with and understand boys, make the Avon experience all the more special and enduring.”

Jim Detora P’12

1993 - present

"In the last twenty years of my Avon experience, I met with a multitude of alumni.  I heard so often from them: 'Avon was the pivotally positive chapter for me growing up' or 'Avon changed my life.'  The fact is, people did this. Avon’s faculty did this. And they were led by Ken LaRocque, who is all in every day.  He knows every boy in school by name and something about them because he cares about them. Ken also knows his faculty in a similar way.  He is a true leader who has dedicated his life to advancing Avon Old Farms School, continuing an evolution that has been no less than dramatic in the independent school world.


As Ken approaches retirement, he has chosen to leave a legacy of supporting Avon’s dedicated faculty—the men and women who are the difference makers in the mission of helping boys become good men.”

Peter Evans P‘98, ‘18H

1971 - 2018

The Campaign for Avon Old Farms School

500 Old Farms Road

Avon, CT 06001


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